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North Atlantic Trace, 2018

My concept for this piece was exploring is trace within the ocean, focusing on the idea of being in collaboration with the ocean to document its trace and enable to the ocean to have its own voice.

Artists that influenced my work were Jessica Warboys, Helen Frankenthaler, and Peter Doig. Using Jessica Warboys’ technique of soaking the canvas within the ocean, but where she works on the beach covering the canvas with mineral pigments, I took my canvases back to the studio to prepare for painting with shades of blue acrylic, inspired by Peter Doig’s use of the colour blue, the use of blue connotates to the ocean. Using a wet in wet painting technique and building on colours, Helen Frankenthaler’s inspired me with her ‘Soak Stain’ technique in which she poured turpentine on canvas, I used water instead which allows the water to strip away layers of the wet paint, creating this marbled effect, almost mimicking the ocean’s surface.

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