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The Body as a Tool, 2017

For this project my intentions were to focus on the body being the tool behind making artwork. Movement, repetition and mark making were key factors I wanted my artwork to portray. I was influenced by the artist, Heather Hansen, and her performance piece ‘The Value of a Line’. It was her choreographed moves that inspired me to document my movements on paper. I focused my work around the concept of the body being a tool to create artwork, rather than using a tool such as a paint brush. I aimed to bring myself closer to the artwork by becoming part of the medium.


Choreographed movements became a key aspect of my work, and I started exploring these movements with some basic monoprints and charcoal. The choreographed movements I created were scratching with my nails, walking, smoothing over the paper with my hands etc.  My experimentation developed into exploring with paint alongside my monoprints. I did experiment with different papers as well, but decided on using wall paper lining so I could create long prints that could easily be made into books. I wanted the audience to be able to guess which movement I created and I felt by adopting the method of using books to do this, it invites the viewers into looking more closely at my work.

My finished pieced became a long piece of paper with the paper on the floor folded like a book. I chose this method to display my work, as I wanted the view to be drawn into my work and then have the ability to explore the piece closer. I used monoprints as it was a true way to record my movements on paper. 

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